18 definitions of repetition
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The periodic repetition of the fights and the continuity of indifference of the diners are differing realities that intersect in another dimension, which means that the irruption of the fight is no more an event than the continuity of dining is a non-event.
The hanging sculpture, L?objet complet (The undeniable success of operations), is in turn a repetition of the forms that are visible in framed photographs of three-dimensional collages and unresolved works in progress as they were once to be seen in Pisano?s atelier.
Welch relates to "dubbing" as a mode of replication, or, in the case of music, a method of recycling and mutating: Dub takes basic structures and turns them around and in on themselves within the repetition of solid beats. His approach to art also has a musical basis: its improvisational.
In addition to literally reproducing things with a copy machine, this can for instance include making a reproduction of a drawing or painting, creating an illusion of reality, seriality and repetition, plagiarism and citations, the distinctions between authentic and fake, taste and bad taste.
In addition to literally reproducing things with a copy machine, this can for instance include making a reproduction of a drawing or painting, creating an illusion of reality, seriality and repetition, plagiarism and citations, the distinctions between authentic and fake, taste and bad taste.
In a country marked by the repetition of disappearance, everything that might point to a functioning society now literally stands, lies or sits in the street: instead of advertising their clients, empty hoardings advertise their own space, the local cinema has closed and been taken over by a commercial religious group.
It wasn't that X was attempting to dissolve the object or that his aim can be neatly understood within a (traditional) conceptual framework, but rather that there are some aspects of this work (democratisation, rhythm, repetition, exposing of a root...) that, strangely enough through the affirmation of the object, somehow manage to cite conceptual tendencies.