20 definitions of yellow
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The yellow is so bright it almost hurts your eyes.
A soft yellow light gives the aluminium a mysterious glow.
In both works the yellow mark or dot becomes both image and after image.
In one corner there is a green painting and a painting with a yellow mark.
Particularly since she spent a period in Spain where she allowed yellow to enter her work.
The work shows the feet and legs of three Papuans standing on three pieces of coloured paper: yellow, magenta and cyan.
If we look at the white surface for a long time and then close our eyes, a similar yellow mark remains imprinted on our retinas.
Hung on butcher's hooks that have been forced through her nipples, the word SPORT is painted in cheerful yellow at stomach height.
One of the films shows how Regnerus translated the white painting with the yellow mark in Mongolia by placing yellow dots in the snow.