35 definitions of blue
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Rimbaud invented the colours of the vowels: A black, E white, I red, O blue, U green.
Here Regnerus has hung a painting in which a blue underlayer filters through a pink surface.
Subsequently Quincy Gario will elaborate on his views regarding the classic 1971 Dutch film Blue Movie.
Subsequently Quincy Gario will elaborate on his views regarding the classic 1971 Dutch film Blue Movie.
In the wake of the Impressionists, for example, we started to notice that shadows may sometimes be blue.
A close-up view of her hand stirring watery-milk-blue paint introduced a confusing weightlessness to the situation.
The step from ‘Blue Movie’ to Kim Holland is not so big and fits within a historic trajectory of claiming cultural freedom.
On a cool-blue, wintry hill, a number of blue figures in a shattered condition seem to have been frozen into an ecstatic pose.
"Lick" shows us a passageway in which two girls sit on the wet floor; a blue liquid comes running out of an opening in their breast.