For HOLLANDAISE she focused on classic Vlisco patterns that in Africa are popularly known by exotic (women’s) names such as Aura and Angelina.

In a circular pattern of distribution, Schnell’s work has found its way into the world of illustrations from which she might make her selections.

The monofilament will be tied to the black string and made taut to extend the string’s line, with some creating both angular, zigzag patterns and others wavy forms.

Its first collection, Goddess, consists of a total of nine ponchos bearing geometric patterns derived from old Eastern European symbol systems which preceded alphabetic writing.

As well, he chooses not to edit, refusing the use of montage to manipulate our look and to tell a story following the traditional dramatic pattern of accelerating action, climax and denouement.

Past Botafogo beach, the water dotted with hundreds of little sailing boats, through the tunnel, then a right turn into the Copacabana boulevard, past the meandering patterns of Burle Marx’s street mosaic.

As with the the artificial communities, Nouwens photographs the churches front-on, often focusing on their patterned surfaces and on the scraps of text or symbols which identify them and describe their purpose.

They can be regarded as a symbolic ‘intercom’ for the chaotic, mystic ideas, emotional patterns and cultural misinterpretations that float between the inner depths and the relatively ‘thin’ state of consciousness that rules our daily lives.

An original and insightful thinker, Benedict Anderson questioned the patterns and the meeting points that are to be found throughout geographies, times and power structures that lead to formations of identities and various senses of belonging.

But the bourgeois patterns that lie at the heart of the soap are rapidly ruptured as the duo involves disciplines other than the soap, such as dance, theatre, and performance art, where fact and fiction are so perpetually interchanged that they are impossible to separate.

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