45 definitions of broad
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Broadly speaking, ‘In-between Things’ addresses the theme of globalization and its relation to contemporary art.
She doesn't believe in art for a 'broader public' or in the so- called eternal value of paintings and sculptures.
This broad idea can be transposed onto the exhibition to show the commonalities between distinctly different artists.
Oosterling pointed to the salient absence of this tension in photojournalism, which broadcasts far worse images to the world.
In this way, the meanings of hospital-linen bags increasingly broaden, and at the same time acquire meaning as marks of style.
The book offers a broad and up-to-date review of the most important developments, themes and ideas in the visual arts of the 1990s.
The book offers a broad and up-to-date review of the most important developments, themes and ideas in the visual arts of the 1990s.
Just as Ido draws from a broad source of existing language, Brauns proposals adopt a wide array of imagery to illustrate the works of Juste.
Recast in the ink of his handwriting, it is no longer possible to identify the original source material (glossy magazine, broadsheet or brochure).