159 definitions of viewer
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The movement of the forward motion and the sound of the video lead the viewer further into the space.
An untutored viewer will not notice that in between the circles, example and image, there is a square.
The mother, though, is evidently not at all camera-shy and makes no attempt to evade the viewer's eye.
They give the viewer the tools to think with and therefore instigate thought (this is use-art, Dorothy).
Which of course necessitates an ability - or willingness - on the part of the viewer to 'read' the work.
The illusory nature of the images largely determines the power of attraction his work has on the viewer.
As viewers pass through it, they encounter fragments of photos and texts about other cultures and places.
The exhibition is an invitation to the viewer to sit back and become immersed in this wealth of knowledge.
Watched by the viewer in front of the projection, the woman starts listening to Nina Simone singing a song.