19 definitions of sight
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The woman with the long white hair, blue eyes and the toucan on her shoulder became a familiar sight in the streets of Copacabana and she developed a firm friendship with Pijnappels mother, Maya.
Then our sight is blocked by trams that lumber into the picture at lower right like massive moving blocks, twisting and lurching again and again before finally leaving the frame again at upper left.
The informal economy is that part of commercial and the service sector that operates outside of the circuit of formal financial transactions – and thus is hidden from the sight of the Revenue Service and other governmental institutions that control business and economic affairs, and the banks themselves.
Raedecker enjoys the idealisation of squeeky clean family life presented through t.v. shows from the 1960's, like 'The Brady Bunch', reversing their promise of happiness, re-visiting idealised 1960's happy homes but seeing them now as potential sights for projecting a more gloomy and sinister side of the dream.
Similar to my sudden confusion at the sight of my own label' (the concept' under which I am known) X poses an, at first glance, understandable, digested, accepted form (or, in the case of the word: poses the accepted name/label) but alters it in such a way as to make the recognizable foreign, thereby -simply put- messing with the viewer's mind.
Moti has thus brought about different thresholds of visibility (imagination, magical space, visual and audible space, time and subjectivity, etc.) a virtual visibility which is an out of sight visibility that dominates all perceptive experiences, and does not summon the view without summoning the other sensory fields, the ear and the touch2.
And with her assertion that every position adopted by an artist is assumed to be serving the interests of some party or another, she seems to have concluded that the concept of a higher truth - the wider pattern of human behaviour in particular circumstances, which might tell us something about the greater world order in which we live - has moved far out of sight beyond the horizon.
There, arranged on two curved, white tiled platforms in a clinical-looking space flooded with bright white light, were eight sculptures of fired clay glazed in a muddy, brownish-green; at first sight somewhat indeterminate forms until, with a shock, the viewer recognizes them as the remains of animals: here and there a leg, a snout protrudes from the inert mass; trails of clay can be read as strips of hide or strands of wool from a sheep, tubular bits suggest ribs and bones that have been exposed.