56 definitions of love
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'My paintings are about love, emotions, violence, passivity, power, exhibitionism, shyness, jealousy - feelings everybody is familiar with.
In interviews she has said that her research areas are love and pleasant imagery and that 'good girls' are a source of inspiration for her.
The lovely day had seeped inside the space and, slowly but surely, the conversation and tea drinking lead our attention towards the screening.
He loved her pronouns. " If a body catch a body..." He was pacing out the cross walk in short steps in order to stay safely on the white strips.
He loves to spend the whole day talking about his appearance, his love life, his relations with fellow artists and his position in the art world.
Martens made the first part in Chechnya, where he went to seek diversion among the ruins and victims of the war after a disappointing love affair.
These quirky stories make friends so easily that they might appear comfortable, like Matisses idea of the bourgeois art lover resting in an armchair.
In Antonionis groundbreaking film, the protagonist Anna takes a trip with her lover and her good friend, but disappears shortly after the film begins.
Common to van der Werves loveable losers is a powerlessness, an inability to control the circumstances that keep them down, like a rocket at the mercy of gravity.