37 definitions of depict
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The film also depicts a landscape, this time a typical beach scene with sand and sea divided by a prone sunbather, lying almost motionless while people walk by around him.
This film, which draws its title from the 1980 video series Faces of Death that depicts realistic death scenes, only shows the tapes of the six video’s the series consist of.
Arab folklore and Islamic teachings depict the jinn as mythological creatures with magical powers who occupy a world next to our own, in which they intervene without restraint.
Yet the nature of the picture (in contrast to the nature of what is depicted) is compatible with the art space: it is calm, fairly static, and is often labelled contemplative.
The artist contributed the installation Barbarian & Classics to this exhibition, consisting of photographs he made of postcards and other image resources depicting objects from diverse museum collections.
The artist contributed the installation Barbarian & Classics to this exhibition, consisting of photographs he made of postcards and other image resources depicting objects from diverse museum collections.
But unlike biblical paintings, which literally depict how Adam and Eve were driven from the earthly paradise, here it is the intertwined limbs in a sea of light that evoke an illusion of eternal attachment.
This technical imperfection underscores the constructed and ‘coloured-in’ look of the early film medium; the technology is part of what defines the representation of the (exotic) people depicted in the images.
In addition to the Self-Portrait as an Amoeba, Beelaerts is contributing two self-portraits as a dog, one of which depicts the dogs stomach aggressively emerging from its body and attempting to digest external objects.