37 definitions of depict
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For instance, looking at the photographs from the series Mutual Issues, Inventive Acts makes one wonder why the ordinary people depicted are doing such unusual things as transporting a tablet with filled tea cups on a bike.
Often they appear to be felicitous snapshots depicting just one moment in a possibly much more extensive narrative, seducing the viewer to fill in the missing elements by thinking of all kinds of personal memories and references.
Often they appear to be felicitous snapshots depicting just one moment in a possibly much more extensive narrative, seducing the viewer to fill in the missing elements by thinking of all kinds of personal memories and references.
The large painting Bobs V Waves depicts a slew of women and girls: the stereotypical London career woman, the cool schoolgirl and, prominently featured, a portrait of Betty Boop, a burlesque comic female figure who featured in early animation films.
Where the French masters tried to penetrate and convince through more or less realistic depictions and virtuoso renditions, through dramatic renderings of actions, gestures and facial expressions, Ophuis makes images that are emphatically discontinuous and constructed.
It depicts four pictures and four words on a school blackboard; below the picture of a horses head are the words the door; the drawing of a clock is labelled the wind; the picture of a jug is captioned the bird while the final picture, of a suitcase, is labelled the valise.