102 definitions of conversation
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After a series of short presentations, the artists will engage in conversation with Alena Alexandrova.
After a series of short presentations, the artists will engage in conversation with Alena Alexandrova.
The basis for the conversation between Jeremiah Day and Raivo Puusemp is an art project of the latter.
Our own gullibility, the suggestiveness of the medium, the codes of spontaneous, personal conversation?
With a conversation between Lynn Berger, Elisa van Joolen, José Teunissen, moderated by Sanne Oorthuizen.
With a conversation between Lynn Berger, Elisa van Joolen, José Teunissen, moderated by Sanne Oorthuizen.
And why is he at a slightly higher position up on the rock than he was when we started this conversation.
The Walking Monument and Compagnie de Compagnie have taken on mythical proportions in casual conversations.
Artist talks with Daniele Genadry and Cynthia Zaven, and a conversation between Walid Sadek and Rico Franses.