15 definitions of transparent
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By juxtaposing images and sounds, Formwalt demonstrates that history, in some ways similar to financial transactions, appears to be insubstantial, almost transparent, despite the fact that various consequences can be observed through the lens.
Compared to the strong visual appearance of Bernhard Willhelm's creations, in which he samples the signs of commodity culture, translating them into his own visual language, BLESS' way of working is more personalised and transparent, touching upon questions such as: " What does the wearer want in fashion?".
I then thought of making a work with glass cats who sit and look at transparent castings of doors and other things, and those castings would be held against the wall, like transparent membranes, by sheets of glass.' The envisaged work never took shape - due to a lack of time, a bad mood, an error in the purchase of materials.
Among these were a Medardo Rosso-like bust with its mouth wide open, placed on a rickety table (Gedanken Kommen Zurüch Bitte, 2000), a transparent kitten crouched on a wooden catwalk between two sheets of glass (Glaskatzensex/ Transparent Tale, 2000) and something that looked like an incinerated filmset for an idyllic 'Heidi' pastoral, titled 'Remembering the Polyester Pirate (Instant Apathy)'.