85 definitions of transform
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What is the mutual challenge set in motion for the public, as well as for the commissioners and neighbors, in an area under transformation?
At the beginning of 1999 the Amsterdam artists Birthe Leemeijer transformed the main space of Bureau Amsterdam into a children's playground.
The foyer of Bureau Amsterdam has been transformed into a claustrophobic terrarium, the space crammed with plants from the local garden centre.
Or Kristina Benjocki’s reinterpretation and rematerialization of Yugoslav history, by transforming excerpts of history books into woven carpets.
In the monologue, the individual object is transformed into a type, undoubtedly somewhat like the aforementioned disegno interno of the bicycle.
But rather than exaggerating these elements, with deep empathy she brings them to the surface and transforms them into ambiguous, aesthetic jewels.
But more important, perhaps, is her painterly touch: the way she renders a breast to resemble a distant city, or transforms a bare leg into a hill.
But rather than exaggerating these elements, with great empathy she brings them to the surface and transforms them into ambiguous, aesthetic jewels.
Trinity in New Mexico, where the first atomic explosion took place in July 1945, is transformed from secret nuclear test site to a tourist attraction.