Navratil demonstrates that the visual arts are pre-eminently the field for investigating the simultaneous material and visual exploitation of the film medium.

Since 1919, surrealist experiments have explored diverse mediums: automatic writing, dream transcriptions, verbal and graphical games, speaking under hypnosis.

In earlier installations, Theuws abstracted recordings of reality by digitalizing them in the computer or used video images that were generated from the medium itself.

When a medium like VHS tape disappears, its distribution channels vanish along with it, as does the architecture around it, the video store, and its related social system.

Would it not be better to experiment in an exhibition with photography, a flexible medium par-excellence, and try to open up the great potential of its presentation possibilities?

Stoner works in the medium of paint, which is not an obvious choice, since the worn out, nonsensical question of whether painting is relevant pervades and corrupts looking itself.

The story tends to support the idea that Evans’ work is not simply to be categorised as documentary photography: he used the camera as a medium for ‘discovering’ as well as ‘making’.

The story tends to support the idea that Evans’ work is not simply to be categorised as documentary photography: he used the camera as a medium for ‘discovering’ as well as ‘making’.

Wouldn’t one be better off to begin experimenting with photography – a flexible medium par excellence – and try to open up its great potential for various possible presentation forms?

Apart from the reference to the time-honoured compositional device of the repoussoir, it seems to me that the quotation of Cézanne in this medium of moving photos is not without significance.

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