66 definitions of detail
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He uses it to sketch on the canvas a few necessary details, a straight line here, or a scribble there, using thread like a pencil or a brush.
"I like to look at paintings where you are asked to come and discover their details at different distances." Raedecker has an intimist's skill.
This does not become a fact, however, without first presenting an equally ruthless and detailed picture of the humanitarian crisis in the Congo.
Though it is true that, in the details, one can find sufficient aspects that refer to the working process, the overall impression is one of distance.
Language creates a world of its own, a strength yet nonetheless a hindrance that Mellors, with a fine eye for visual detail, systematically questions.
Various details point to the reason for their trip - picks, ropes and maps suggest they are embarking on a climb yet their destination is never made clear.
Atmospheric spaces that convey the viewer to a place which, though it differs in every respect from reality, often has its basis in details from that reality.
The 35 mm picture of Bantar Gebang, that with its wealth of structures and details is so much more interesting than webcam pictures, underlines this mechanism.
Kolding's collages, often minutely detailed and sometimes also simple and direct, suggest visionary built environments that are perverted with life, as it were.