53 definitions of potential
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The project examines the potentialities and challenges of life on the Moon not only in the fields of architecture and design but also for social, public and political life.
Would it not be better to experiment in an exhibition with photography, a flexible medium par-excellence, and try to open up the great potential of its presentation possibilities?
Conservatives point out the potential entertainment to be gained from all the homonyms, ambiguities and synonyms, a source of inspiration for crossword puzzles, rebuses and poetry.
In the spring of 2000, in the cabinets of the Vleeshal at Middelburg, and under the mysterious title De Ilemauzar, De Jong visualized a whimsical world full of potential destruction.
Wouldnt one be better off to begin experimenting with photography a flexible medium par excellence and try to open up its great potential for various possible presentation forms?
Processing Authorities reflects on the Western cultural decision-making processes, the visual representation of authority and the potential for transforming these hammers into objects of power.
Processing Authorities reflects on the Western cultural decision-making processes, the visual representation of authority and the potential for transforming these hammers into objects of power.
Together they create a map of the "forthcoming" that could not be brought into existence without the creation of provisional settings and an artist's acknowledgement of the potential of potential.
During this research my guiding intention as an artist has been to understand how to use a medium that is simultaneously an oppressive means of control and a filming device with aesthetic potential.