52 definitions of everyday
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Every minute of everyday in every timezone, Family Mart was open, as constant and bright as the speed of light.
Matti Braun integrates concrete objects of everyday life in his work, objects whose function is also their beauty.
Then the network controllers would have probably said: this is just everyday life, theres nothing remarkable about it.
We seem to have stepped over a threshold where the everyday as a mundane backdrop to our existence has actually been eradicated.
A growing number of advertisements, commercials, reports, TV programmes and even everyday news items have become pure entertainment.
Buurman is interested in everyday life on the streets of the cities: their residents, their lives, and how they utilize public space.
It was not an everyday sight, nineteenth century gala uniforms, sabres on saddles, footmen marching all the way beside a purple hearse.
Dutch artist Wendelien Van Oldenborgh will discuss her work, which addresses colonial histories and their legacies in everyday life today.
Dutch artist Wendelien Van Oldenborgh will discuss her work, which addresses colonial histories and their legacies in everyday life today.