36 definitions of death
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Thus The Death of Abbé Faria can be considered as a retrospective, albeit of an artist who has only just begun his career.
Not only in its choice of material but also in its form, the installation conforms to the tradition of the iconography of death.
Since 1993 this death register has been maintained by the non-profit organisation UNITED, and to date comprises more than 7,000 names.
On top of this is stuck the equally pitilessly tampered with head, as if death itself - in the idea of the 'vamp' - is sneering at you.
Wax has a rich iconography in relation to the body, sickness and death; its best-known uses include portraits of the dead and death masks.
After his death the contents of his studio and a large number of the later photos ended up in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
After his death the contents of his studio and a large number of the later photos ended up in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Magid has signed an agreement with a company that produces diamonds from the ashes of human remains to become a 1-carat diamond upon her death.
The Death of Abbé Faria, as Ryan Ganders exhibition is called, perhaps suggests a great drama, but fiction is the key idea in this presentation.