90 definitions of body
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As Roland Barthes has put it: "My body refuses to speak out loud. if there is no one there to listen.
Free Fall is a performance about the movement of a body when gravity is the only force acting upon it.
Free Fall is a performance about the movement of a body when gravity is the only force acting upon it.
The air, a body, a landscape; one made from the other; my body, your landscape; each feeds off the other.
If I am not certain that another body is listening to me, my voice is paralysed; it cannot possibly come out.
The cause bas become clamorous, convening around the body and important issues of identity in body articutation.
Where the woman no longer has a body in this work, in another drawing a woman's body hangs as if in an abattoir.
His work alludes to religious representations of the body, votive images, and related universal fears and desires.
The two oldest pieces in the exhibition, Arm and Catch On the Rebound, both from 1996, formally refer to the human body.