28 definitions of beautiful
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They are functional paintings fulfilling their aesthetic mission in a perfect manner and therefore extraordinarily beautiful paintings.
The peintre fatale seduces under false pretences: the paintings appear treacherously beautiful and safe, but the pleasure soon turns to unease.
The white cube, the neutral white space where the artworks automatically represented the good, the true and the beautiful, appeared to be a fiction.
He addressed these existential splits beautifully in Een kort verhaal over abortus (A Short Story about Abortion), a collage made from cut up ink drawings from 1998.
When I saw it at Schleiffert's studio I liked it immediately, while Schleiffert thought was almost too beautiful and would therefore probably not exhibit it in Bureau Amsterdam.
In one earlier piece he had a Delftware service decorated with the word 'cancer', thus furnishing the cliché souvenir with a silenced but, in his own words, 'beautifully robust' word.
Mainstream cinema would cast beautiful celebrities in the roles that the child wants its parents to play and the movie would be full of close-ups of their heroic, happy, handsome faces.
Among the paintings and sculptures, she offered a fragile promise: on her sign, in Dutch, stood the phrase "I'll show you the most beautiful thing I know." To what place would she take you?
This building is a beautiful monument of Amsterdam School architecture and is therefore visited not only by Turkish-Dutch and many other religious believers, but more and more by tourists as well.