Events Archive 2011
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Art & Theory from a Future Perspective
Museumnacht in SMBA
A lecture by Michael Tedja followed by SMBA guided tours throughout the night.
Informality - A new collectivity
'Making Ends Meet: Precarity, Art and Political Activism', a lecture Joost de Bloois
Book Presentation: 'Locating the Producers'
Thursday 30th June, 5 p.m.
Book presentation 'In a Time Fleece' with a lecture/performance by Tony Chakar
25 June, 4 p.m.
The Marx Lounge - Other Activities
The Marx Lounge - Post-colonialism
The Marx Lounge - Marx Series
A series of eight Marx related events
The Marx Lounge - Liberticide
Critical reflections on neoliberalism (In Dutch)
The Marx Lounge - Complete Programme
Artist's Talk with Sara Blokland
Doug Fishbone & Louise Muller