Semâ Bekirović - Koet

20 March 2008

In this book, Sema Bekirovic concentrates on visualising the confrontation between nature and culture, something which is often most clearly manifested in an urban area. For Koet she followed a pair of coots for months as they built and maintained a nest in Amsterdam. She tried to influence this process by ‘feeding’ the animals with flashy odds and ends, strips of celluloid film and photos clipped from art magazines and other sources. The animals indeed incorporated these in their nest. In their way they channelled the concept of ‘visual culture’ by giving a new significance to all sorts of things that had first been the personal property of the photographer, who attached a totally different value to them. The book is available in SMBA for 15 euro.

- Semâ Bekirović, Koet, Rotterdam, 2007. Full color; verkoopprijs 15€. In cooperation with Gallery Diane Stigter and Veenman press.